At Egeria, Patty is responsible for compliance affairs for the Egeria group, its portfolio companies and its funds.

Patty previously worked as a lawyer at Aegon, where she also served as Head of JZ at Aegon Schadeverzekering NV for almost 10 years and Head of Fraud for more than 6 years. After her time at Aegon, she joined NN Group where she mainly worked in the field of compliance.

She studied law at Leiden University and at the University of Nottingham. She has also completed the Grotius Company and Liability specialist training programme and is a certified mediator.

Patty enjoys putting compliance on the map in a practical way. For instance through interactive training and gamification. Patty gets her energy from exciting people and departments for compliance issues and enabling them to experience that compliance is a way of life which can be incorporated into day-to-day duties in a very practical manner.

Patty is an active member of the compliance knowledge group of the Dutch Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (NVP). Furthermore, she is a member of the Dutch Association of Compliance Officers In the Netherlands, Patty is an attorney-at-law (without a third-party account, meaning that as an attorney-at-law she is exclusively employed by Egeria within the meaning of article 5.9 (g) of the Regulation on the Legal Profession (Voda). She is registered in the Dutch Register of Lawyers with a general legal practice in corporate law, which means that she is required to obtain ten training points per calendar year in the field of general legal practice in accordance with the standards set by the Dutch Bar Association. Patty is also a certified data protection officer (EIPACC RCPP certificate).