This Works
In 2020 Egeriado entered a three-year partnership with Stichting Art in Redlight to support them in the development and roll-out of their ‘This Works’ project.
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In 2020 Egeriado entered a three-year partnership with Stichting Art in Redlight to support them in the development and roll-out of their ‘This Works’ project.
This Works is a new initiative of Stichting Art in Redlight with the aim to stimulate artists and through entrepreneurship build a self-employed professional practice. This Works is an informal and dynamic platform designed for and by professional artists where field/subject-specific developments and the exchange of knowledge and experience are at the centre. By offering a membership to access programs, masterclasses, consulting hours and network opportunities, This Works is able to offer artists the tools to analyse, enhance and sustain their economic position and stimulate entrepreneurship.
The Art world is changing. The traditional gallery model is no longer the only option for an artist. Subsidies are decreasing. On the other hand, the Business sector is becoming more (financially) active in the Arts and the online market is developing. This changing Art world asks for more initiative and entrepreneurship from the artist. With This Works the organization wants to provide artists with a tool to play into these changes, strengthen their entrepreneurship and thereby reduce their vulnerability. Something most artists hardly learn during their education. Through this program participants develop (soft) skills, organisational capabilities, enlarge their network and exchange knowledge and experience.
The support from Egeriado will enable Stichting Art in Redlight to develop, build and roll out ‘This Works’ throughout the Netherlands. With This Works the organisation works towards a sustainable revenue model in which their dependence upon subsidies and sponsoring decreases. In 2023 This Works will be financed through their own resources.